Said about us
During the years we have on several occasions found ourselves in the spotlight of media. Shortly put this is a bragging list were we have tried to gather most of what is said about the street musicians that we collaborate with and our projects.
Podcast & radioshows
Newspapers & blogs
- Unknown title, TTela (16 August, 2013)
- Unknown title, Göteborgsposten (20 August, 2013)
- Unknow title, TV4 West (unknown date)
- Ute blir inne med musicstreet, TTela (unknown date)
- #Musicstreet kan vinna pris på Faktumgalan 2014, Innovatum bloggen (unknow date)
- Unknown title, Vänersborgaren (27 February, 2014)
- Unknown title, TTela (27 February, 2014)
- Unknow title, 7dagar (27 February, 2014)
- #musicstreet, Patos (8 September, 2016) – 160823_musicstreet
Television shows
Social media
Follow us on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube. You can also check in on the hashtag #musicstreet were people give us tips of talented musicians.
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